How can we improve MyAPNIC?
APNIC is asking Members for comprehensive feedback on MyAPNIC—the secure services website for Members to manage Internet resources, update contact information, and receive APNIC services.
Member feedback will help us prioritize changes to the system in coming years.
We are asking Members to complete the survey to find out what features we can add or develop to improve usability and efficiency. This survey will guide us in better understanding what Members need so we can prioritize these improvements.
Over the last few years, MyAPNIC has gone through multiple upgrades to include more features and allow Members to complete more tasks independently.
The MyAPNIC survey takes approximately 5 minutes to complete.
The survey will remain open until 4th August 2015.
Complete the survey, win a presenter remote
As reward for completing the survey, you will go in the running to win 1 of 20 presenter remotes.
If you give professional presentations using PowerPoint or similar software, wireless presenter remotescan greatly enhance your presentation. Whether you want to highlight an important fact with the laser pointer, move forward and backward through your presentation slides or fade the screen to black so your audience will focus on you, wireless presenters can point your audience’s attention where you want it to be.

Win 1 of 20 wireless presenter remotes by completing the survey
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