APNIC proudly participated at the inaugural Indonesian Network Operator’s Group (IDNOG 1) meeting on 24 June 2014 in Jakarta, Indonesia, and the third Singapore Network Operator’s Group (SGNOG 3) meeting from 24 to 27 June 2014.
Both NOGs provide a platform for network operators to share their experiences and knowledge on Internet infrastructure and operations. APNIC is a founding partner of IDNOG and a supporting partner of SGNOG.
The theme for IDNOG 1 was “Let’s Move Forward”. The program included a number of technical presentations on topics such as the Evolution of Internet Exchanges, Next Generation Networks, and the DNS. Former ISIF grant recipient, Onno Purbo, also talked about his mesh potato project, which uses a mobile mesh network for ad-hoc disaster recovery in remote villages.
APNIC staff activities at IDNOG1 included:
- Wita Laksano presented an update on APNIC’s services and activities, and delivered this in Bahasa
- Wita and Sanjaya spoke with Members about their Internet resources and membership
- Sanjaya also met with representatives from the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and PT First Media Tbk.
APNIC staff activities at SGNOG3 included:
The first two days of SGNOG 3 saw workshops on MPLS and Network Security, and the event concluded with a variety of technical sessions related to IPv6, security, and routing.
- Sheryl Hermoso joined Champika Wijayatunga from ICANN to conduct the Network Security Workshop
- Wita presented the APNIC update during the Conference session, and was also able to meet with Members during the event.
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