Event Wrap: APSIG 2024, APrIGF 2024, TWIGF 2024, Asia Pacific Youth IGF 2024, and DRAPAC 2024

By on 17 Sep 2024

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APNIC and the APNIC Foundation supported and participated in APrIGF 2024, which was co-located with TWIGF 2024, APSIG 2024, DRAPAC 2024 and the Asia Pacific Youth IGF 2024 in Taipei from 18 to 23 August 2024.

The events welcomed participants from around the world and across a diverse range of stakeholder groups, to participate in sessions on Internet governance topics, capacity-building workshops, and networking.

APNIC activities:

APSIG 2024

  • Pablo Hinojosa and Adli Wahid conducted a cybersecurity drill, which split participants into different stakeholder groups and explored a high-stakes cyber-attack scenario to highlight the importance of adaptive defence and collaboration strategies in cybersecurity.
  • Pablo participated in a panel discussion on ‘Managing the robust interoperable, global Internet’.
  • Raj Singh was invited as a guest of honour to the closing session where he shared his experience and observations of the changing Internet governance landscape during his time in the industry and encouraged participants to stay involved to help shape the future Internet and the digital development it powers.

APrIGF 2024 / TWIGF 2024

  • Raj participated in a panel discussion on ‘Digital Leap – Enhancing Connectivity in South Asia’, moderated by Omar Ansari.
  • Pablo participated in the panel discussion that explored the topic of ‘Long-term cultivation to active participation: Taiwan’s practical strategies in global Internet governance’.
  • Joyce Chan moderated a panel discussion on ‘Internet infrastructure resilience during disaster event – Case study for the 0403 Taiwan earthquake, and others’
  • Che-Hoo Cheng was a remote speaker in the ‘Resilience of the Internet’s network infrastructure’ session.
  • Raj was a member of the panel discussion during the closing plenary on ‘Harnessing innovation while balancing risks and ensuring inclusion in the digital space’. Joyce also assisted in moderating the closing plenary.

Asia Pacific Youth IGF 2024

  • Pablo participated in a panel discussion on ‘Empowering Access: Democratizing the Internet for all’.


  • Pablo and Adli also took the opportunity to attend the Digital Rights in Asia Pacific 2024 (DRAPAC 2024) side event where they joined sessions that explored the potential of gamification to impact social change across topics such as digital gender-based violence prevention, disinformation and Internet shutdowns.
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